Just wanted to say that everyone gave a FANTASTIC show last night!! We all agreed it was the best run of Thicket, ever! The show included a feedback duet by Sean and Dave, three dance works, and Sean's video action painting.
We had a great crowd, mostly composed of high school girls from a local performing arts school :)
Sean, Dave, Wendy and I are on our way to the College of Santa Fe now to give a 2.5 hr lecture on new systems in performance, viewing oneself (definition of human), and managing the arts.
This past week was busy, but wonderful. I had two modern dance classes to teach and two choreography classes. All the dancers helped tremendously with all of them (thank you!). I was happy with how they all went but super happy with the choreography class! I'm posting below what we did, in case anyone out there has feedback or future ideas.
Tonight we're back in Albuquerque at ARTS Lab for night 2 of the performance... then tomorrow head to Santa Fe for a 5 hr show at the Center for Contemporary Art.
Here's our first official full-tour group photo too :)

Guidelines for Day 1
During Day 1 of this two-day workshop, each group will be creating a short group piece intended for the stage. At the end of class, we will watch all of the works and give feedback geared specifically at whether all of the below rules were adhered to. Dancers will also notate their choreography as directed below.
Each group must create a piece that follows an ABACADA form, where A, B, C and D are all distinct phrases. List and name each phrase:
Each phrase should clearly utilize one of all of the following at some point: jump, roll, turn. For each phrase, please list whether it contains a jump, roll, or turn:
Each dancer must learn all of the phrases, but does not necessarily have to perform them all.
You may divide the piece however you like between solos, duets, trios, and quartets.
Each dancer must occupy five distinct points in the performance space, throughout the course of the piece. Please number your five distinct phrases below, as best you can given the grid: (grid was 4x4)
Guidelines for Day 2:
Each dancer in each group was given one of the four sets of rules below:
Set 1:
Phrase Rules:
Coin Toss #1 (to determine order of phrases to dance in sequence). You may toss the 4 coins as many times as you like.
HHHH = Phrase 1
HTHH = 2
HTTH = 3
HTTT = 4
TTTT = still
Space Rules:
Movement Trigger #2
If you see a Jump = Go to Upstage Right 1/4
If you see a Roll = Downstage Right 1/4
If you see a Turn = Center
Set 2:
Phrase Rules:
Movement Trigger #1
Jump = Begin Phrase 1
Roll = Begin 2
Turn = Begin 3
No trigger = still
Space Rules:
Phrase Trigger
Phrase 1 = Go To Upstage Right 1/4
2 = Upstage Left 1/4
3 - Downstage Right 1/4
4 = Downstage Left 1/4
Set 3:
Phrase Rules:
Spatial Trigger #1
If you’re in:
Upstage Left 1/4 = Phrase 1
Upstage Right 1/4 = 3
Downstage Left 1/4 = 4
Downstage Right 1/4 = still
Space Rules:
Proximity Trigger
You must always have 2 cells of the grid between you and other dancers (on all sides). If you cannot achieve this, you must become still and wait for a dancer(s) to move.
Set 4:
Phrase Rules:
Dancer Trigger
Only dancer = 2
Two dancers (including yourself) = 3
Three dancers (including yourself) = 1
Four dancers = still
Space Rules:
Coin Toss #2 (to determine your pathway in order through the space). You may toss the 4 coins as often as you like.
HHHH = your original 1st spot
HTHH = your original 2nd spot
HTTH = your original 3rd spot
HTTT =your original 4th spot
TTTT = your original 5th spot